

I've realized in the last few days that I haven't felt comfortable and "at home" in several years. I guess the last time was before I graduated high school. I feel like I'm a visitor even now in my own apartment for some reason. I can't wait to start a home with Corey and feel like I'm home and safe and can completely let my guard down.

Do you feel at home where you are?


jenny said...

Wait, I'm totally confused...are you moving your blog to another place or not? I need to know so I can continue to stalk you (in a friendly, non-threatening way...which I guess is not by definition stalking :)

Corey said...

No, I don't feel at home where I am. I moved out of mom and dad's house and moved into this apartment that I know is temporary. I guess you could say I don't have a sense of home.

I wish I knew why you felt like a stranger in your own apartment. We should talk about that tomorrow.