
The big C

I've been trying to find the words to describe how I feel all week. But really it boils down to this: cancer sucks. It doesn't care how old you are, how rich you are, male or female, single or married, Christian or unbeliever. I've been amazed this week and saddened this week. 26 year old male with testicular cancer that has spread throughout his entire body. He has no clue. 30ish year old male starting chemo soon for colon cancer. My aunt receiving the news that she has malignant melanoma.

But then God reminded me that He knows what He's doing and He uses medicine and doctors to heal every day. The reminder came in the form of two patients. Both with aortic valve replacements. That may not sound impressive to you. While I was standing there listening to the clicking of the valve I was overcome with the sense of God's presence. God gave the doctor the knowledge to invent this valve replacement and the ability to place this in a human's heart. I was amazed and encouraged. He knows what He is doing. He has plans. Big plans.


Unknown said...

I MISS YOU INDIA :) :) :) you should come to the girls soccer game with me tomorrow!! 2:45ish...