
So July is FLYing by.

I don't know where July is going! Last thing I knew I was turning 26 on the 5th and now it's the 17th?? Holy cow! At least The Dark Knight is coming out tomorrow. Oh and I bought a bike. Should be nice taking rides out here where I live. I'll have to take a picture of my apartment and my bike so you can all see it.

I'm going to see Corey today. His parents are taking us out for my birthday to a place called Flamingo Row in Paducah. I hear it's a good place. We're also going to see The Dark Knight tomorrow. And we have to get sushi sometime while I'm up there. That's just a fact. If Corey and I are together we have to get sushi. It's pretty much the best food in the whole world.

Really that's it right now. Pretty sad. Maybe next time I'll have really really exciting news. Oh and Jenny, I'm cooking poppy seed chicken casserole as I type. Not too exciting but I am cooking. :o)


jenny said...

oooOOOOoooo what recipe are you using? I want to try it!

Yay for bikes, mine is crap I need to get a new one, but the bikestore in town is in uber high demand so you have to go there everyday to find what you want before someone else steals it...

Unknown said...

Hey Indio! We LOVED spending the day with you...its like being with a long lost sister slash Auntie for my kids. They love you and so do we! Thanks for fitting us into your busy life. Your place is so cute and I love how we (I) looked at weight watchers cookbooks while eating ice cream and cake! My fault but it was so YUMMY.