
WEIRD dream

I just had to weirdest dream ever! It all started with a venomous eel bite while on vacation. This nasty eel bit me like a vampire would. I had deep fang wounds when it was finished. I survived the attack to come down with a very disturbing complication a month later. My left arm was hurting and I woke up one day to the inside of my elbow being very swollen and scale like. The skin had changed colors. It was now yellow and green. Every once in a while a forked tongue would stick out from in between the scales. I FREAKED out and got to the ER as fast as I could. They couldn't tell me anything without a CT Scan. Naturally. So I requested Kristie and Christy to do my scan. The ER docs wanted them to wait because two level three trauma patients were coming to the ER. But Christy decided to ignore them. Kristie started my IV in my right arm. For some reason in my dream it hurt like crazy. Then the doctor let me look at the scan. I had a baby poisonous eel living in my left arm. Then I woke up. My left arm was stiff and cold. CREEPY! It's 8am on a Sunday and I got up so I wouldn't forget any details of the dream.